During cataract surgery, a clear artificial lens is implanted permanently in the eye to replace the cloudy natural lens. Patients can choose the type of implant lens they will receive, and therefore how much independence from glasses they can obtain following their cataract surgery.
A basic implant lens has only a single clear focus point. Most patients receiving a basic implant lens will require bifocal glasses to see well at a distance and up close after surgery.
Astigmatism is a naturally occurring condition affecting many individuals in which the cornea is slightly oval, rather than round or spherical. While not a “disease”, astigmatism does lead to blurred vision, and must be corrected in order to see clearly. Traditionally, after cataract surgery with a basic implant lens, this correction was done with prescription eyeglasses in the form of bifocals.
There is now, however, a better way. Astigmatism can be corrected completely and permanently at the time of cataract surgery with a special, customized “toric” implant lens. Simple over-the-counter reading glasses will still be required, but patients choosing to correct their astigmatism with Toric Implant Lens will generally not need prescription glasses for driving, watching TV, or other distance needs.
Presbyopia is a natural part of the aging process where the biologic lens inside the eye loses its ability to shift focus from distance to near. This requires patients over the age of 45 to wear reading glasses or bifocals in order to read or see something up close.
A multifocal lens is a special lens designed to split light into two beams, one focusing on distant objects, and one focusing up close. This type of lens gives individuals pursuing cataract surgery maximum independence, allowing them to drive and read all without the need for spectacles.
Medicare and all insurance carriers provide coverage for cataract surgery as a medically-necessary procedure to all patients who have visual complaints. This coverage includes the surgical procedure itself, anesthesia, and eye drops necessary to heal, as well as a standard intraocular lens that results in dramatic visual improvement with the assistance of glasses.
It’s possible to reduce or eliminate your need for glasses with better implant lenses. Dr. Pajka and Dr. Estrovich take pride in helping each patient make an unbiased, informed decision in deciding on a lens model that is best suited for each individual lifestyle and preference.
A multifocal implant lens will offer a patient the greatest opportunity for independence from both prescription glasses and reading glasses. Multifocal lens implants are designed to correct a patient’s distance vision prescription, and also the age related loss of reading vision known as presbyopia. Many patients who choose a multifocal intraocular lens find they can be glasses free or may only need reading glasses occasionally for reading small print after cataract surgery. The multifocal implant will also correct a patient’s astigmatism.
Astigmatism is a common condition that causes blurred vision. In astigmatism, the shape of the front surface of the eye is not round or spherical, but rather oval like the surface of a football or an egg. Many patients needing cataract surgery also have astigmatism that would continue to blur vision even after cataract removal. Fortunately for these patients, an astigmatism-correcting or “toric” implant lens offers the chance to see well at a distance without glasses.
Crystalens is a cataract replacement lens that can “accommodate” – shift focus between nearby and distant objects – after cataract surgery. It is the first FDA-approved accommodating lens.
Unlike basic implant lenses, the flexible Crystalens works with the eye’s natural focusing muscle to provide a seamless range of vision, thereby reducing or eliminating the need for eyeglasses after cataract surgery.
About 65% of patients achieve good vision without glasses once both eyes have received a Crystalens implant; about 1/3 will occasionally need to use reading glasses. There are no significant additional visual side effects to speak of with the Crystalens, compared to the basic monofocal implant.
The Tecnis Multifocal Lens is known as a diffractive lens. It divides light in such a way as to provides both a near and a distance focal point, allowing good vision for both distance and reading tasks, in all lighting conditions. About 90% of patients having received a Tecnis Multifocal Lens in both eyes do not need to wear glasses afterwards.
At nighttime or in dim light, however, a small percentage of patients feel troubled by the visual issue of rings or haloes around lights. If nighttime driving is a critical activity for you, you may wish to consider a different option. With the understanding of this potential side effect, however, many of our happiest patients have received the Tecnis Multifocal Lens.